A really cool feature of this pilot are the photographic eye decals supplied with every pilot. The effect is ultra-realistic!
Perfect for the Top Flite FW-190 ARF or FliteSkin ME-109!
Another excellent kit just waiting to have Gunther in the cockpit. A Bf-109 E4 by FokkeRC/ Rumen Chakarov. The scale details molded into the glasswork of this kit is something anyone who likes scale details can apppreciate! Here is the link:www.fokkerc.com
PLEASE NOTE: Although Gunther is sized to fit the Top Flite FW-190 ARF* and the FliteSkin ME-109, cockpit kits can vary and be not scale, so some trimming of the pilot or kit may be neccessary. If some of the pilot has to be trimmed away, Best Pilots was glad to provide more pilot than you needed!

Gunther in the TF FW-190 ARF cockpit kit.
* With the TF FW-190, the modifications needed on the supplied cockpit kit are 1) Rudder pedals removed, 2) Gunther needs to be raised about 1.25" in the supplied seat to properly position him in the aircraft.
This 1/5 scale pilot figure features an portrait of Gunther Rall, authentic flight gear for the period from the simulated mesh flight helmet to his boots. He measures 4" across from elbow to elbow and right at 6" from his bottom to top of head in the sitting position. Weight is 4.5 ounces.
Since cockpits in all models vary greatly, Best Pilots can not guarantee that our Pilots will fit EXACTLY in your model without some trimming either to the pilot or to the cockpit.
What customers are saying about Gunther: