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Complete Your 86" AD-5/A-1E Skyraider | Legend Hobby Build
See the Ad-5 Skyraider in Action

History of the AD-5/A-1 Skyraider
The A-1 Skyraider was initially developed during WWII to perform as a carrier based long-range torpedo/dive bomber. It missed the second world war by a few months, but quickly proved itself as a reliable performer, capable of carrying a tremendous amount of ordinance on seven hardpoints on each wing, while maintaining excellent low speed manueverability. It could loiter on target for much longer periods than faster aircraft and deliver its substantial load of ordanance with greater precision.
These design characteristics resulted in it seeing substantial combat in Korea, and later in Vietnam, where it proved extremely beneficial. The Douglas AD-5 Skyraider was designed as a two-place, single-engine, antisubmarine warfare aircraft. A low-wing monoplane with conventional landing gear, it has folding wings for storage aboard aircraft carriers. With two pilots seated side-by-side, the AD-5’s fuselage is both wider and longer than earlier AD-series aircraft. Two ASW mission specialists were seated in the aft cabin. In 1962, the AD-5 was re-designated A-1E.
Although the USN and USMC were beginning to phase out the Skyraider in favour of the A-6 Intruder, it continued to see substantial service, with many being transferred to the USAF where they were used in a close support role, particularly with the Air Rescue and Recovery Service where they protected downed pilots until HH-3 Jolly Green Giants were able to extract them to safety. It also saved the lives of hundreds of servicemen who were facing imminent harm, thanks to its ability to deliver ordanance in close proximity to ground forces. At least two USAF pilots recieved the Congressional Medal of Honour for actions they undertook while flying the Skyraider.